Friday, November 14, 2008

Into the lair

Nicholson waves his claw. "Come with me."

He leads you to a DOOR. On the DOOR is a series of KNOBS. Nicholson tells you to OPEN the DOOR.

>open door
The door will not open. Maybe it has something to do with the series of KNOBS.

>talk Nicholson
"You want me to open the door? I'm a fucking crab. Look at my godamn claws!"

>look knobs
There are three knobs. One is PINK and labeled "sensory-motor." The second is GREEN and labeled "concrete-operational." The last one is BLUE and labeled "formal operational." Each one has a peculiar keyhole.

>look room
On the floor are several USED JOHNNIES and FABULOUS MITTENS. On the ceiling is a 12-YEAR OLD BOY. He waves to you happily. The walls are lavender, and quite aesthetically pleasing. Behind you on the wall are five KEYS. You can hold only three at once.

You're going to look AMAAAAZINGGGG!

>use FABULOUS MITTENS on Nicholson
You do not want to use the FABULOUS MITTENS on Crab Nicholson. Do it anyway Y/N

Good decision.

>look KEYS
The KEYS are not colored and have funny ends that do not easily correlate to the KNOBS. Each one has a picture underneath. The pictures, in order, are of a BABY, a SMALL KID, a LARGE KID, a TEENAGER, and SOLID SNAKE.

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